Vocal Xtreem

Vocal Xtreem

Vocal Styles Course with Doaa El-Sebaii

Egypt's most Xtreemly loved Vocal Coaching School
“Unleash Your Ultimate Potential”
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Vocal Styles Course with Doaa El-Sebaii

Explore how different genres are performed vocally, specifying the associated Vocal Dictions, Articulations, Lyrical & Musical Interpretations, Rhythms, Dynamic Control, Riffs & Runs of the style intended.

Styles included:

Pop, R&B, and Soul, Blues & Jaz, Hip Hop, Country Music and beginners’ level for Arabic singing

Additional services (for more advanced singers):

  • Personalized work on vocal identity
  • Identifying tone and which range/style works best for vocal abilities to shine
  • Extensive work on the emotional interpretation of a song to get out the most authentic and original version of it