Vocal Xtreem

Vocal Xtreem

Ear Tuning Program

Egypt's most Xtreemly loved Vocal Coaching School
“Unleash Your Ultimate Potential”


Ear Tuning Program

Who said having a musical ear is genetic!? “Anyone” can sing!

If you want to sing, you must know that it is Xtreemly “possible”!

Having a musical ear is only an acquirable thing that develops over childhood, just like learning a language and how to speak. Some children get exposed to music early on if they happen to be raised in homes that regularly listen to music, or if a family member is a musician or singer. Others don’t.

That doesn’t mean they don’t have all the elements and organs needed in order to sing. Through this program, we walk you through what music tones are, and how they are musically related. You will end up audibly recognizing the different tones, and therefore understanding how melodies are constructed. We also teach you how to connect what you “hear” with what you “sing”, thus giving you the ability to sing entire melodies and songs, in tune.

Teachers offering this Service:

Dr. Reem Qandeel